Don't fret my friends! Amidst what seems to be never ending turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa our lives have continued as normal and this adventure has slowly become normal life. This time of year for any teacher is filled with end of the year performances, portfolios, testing and mostly exhaustion. These are some of the reasons our posts have become less frequent. Soon we will be heading back to America to celebrate weddings (yes there are many) and get to see all of you lovely people again.
Last week we were lucky enough to get a small break from the madness with a 4 day weekend. This meant that Erin and I were able to escape for a small trip. Some of you may be thinking oh they took a little side trip from their overall trip to Turkey. Actually last weekend we took a trip to a town near us called Side (sea-day). It is a great resort town on a small peninsula that was once a walled in City. It also has some great old ruins dating back to many of the different eras and empires that have gone through Turkey. We also stayed at a cool little hotel with a great garden. This is a recommended trip for anyone coming to visit us from this point on. I have posted a few pictures below and I have created a link to the whole album for those of you who may want to see them all.