Friday, April 16, 2010

Emotional Decisions

We've made a decision. We're signing a contract with Spain! We made the announcement at work this week (complete with a cake decorated to look like the world with an airplane flying from SLO to Spain, very beautiful). We sent in letters of resignation today, and letters to all of the families in our classrooms.  It was an emotional afternoon of excited congratulations and, for Erin, explosions of tears. Leaving the town we have known as home for years and years, and a job that has shaped who we both are is a big step.  And Erin doesn't take big steps without a lot of tears.  Alan is handling it much better, but we'll let you know how he's dealing with all of her tears later. As of now, we are relieved to have made a decision, excited about this move, nervous and sad about leaving, and PUMPED about an upcoming AUCTION. We'll decide on a date this weekend, and let you all know about the details next week.  


  1. Let's see a photo of this cake!

  2. I am so excited for you both. :) Make sure to have lots of fun and make sure take lots of pictures and document the whole journey for those of us stuck state side.
