Saturday, August 14, 2010

I wish every night was Turkish night

It has rapidly become apparent that Alanya is quite the tourist destination in the Summer months. It is filled with Northern Europeans escaping their endless supply of cold for the hot sun of the Mediterranean. It is easy to tell how long the visitor has been here by the stage of their tan. Upon arrival they are generally the pasty white you associate with northern europeans. Within a day that moves to sunburnt lobster red. When that fades their hides finally reach that leathery orange brown we are accustomed to seeing walk out of the tanning salon in America. Like a Thanksgiving Turkey this indicates that their time in the oven is done and it is time to return home for another long cold winter, something that Erin and I will readily welcome if it means being out of this heat.

Tourist season in Alanya also brings about the "Turkish Night" shows at just about every hotel and restaurant. Usually one or two nights a week a hotel has a special dinner of traditional Turkish foods and at the end of dinner a dance show. We previously reported on one at the Ottoman House, but last night was our hotel's turn to host Turkish night. We invited our new coworkers Jan and Adnan, as well as their family to join us since their home overlooks the show and they had never been. Unlike the Ottoman House show this show included many different types of dance, some traditionally Turkish and others just for fun. In the northern part of Turkey, in the Caucus Mountains there is a dance that looks very similar to Riverdance.

Erin once again had the opportunity to participate in this show...

This guy threw flaming knives at Erin blindfolded. The last one was even thrown from his mouth!!!

At the end of the show it was time for the belly dancer to come out and wow the crowd with the hip (and other part) shaking that you would associate with a belly dancer. When she asked (and by asked I mean walked around and grabbed hands) for crowd participation little did she know that this tall skinny white guy would steal the show. Not only did I shake and shimmy like the best of them I apparently also rolled my belly...a skill I never knew I had.

Check out that sweet form.

That poor belly dancer, upstaged by a white guy from Patterson. I didn't feel too bad once she finished the night by getting tips as she danced around to the tables. What a great night.


  1. This sounds like so much fun. I am glad to see the dance moves Mrs. Whip taught you in the fifth grade are still effective. Thanks for the constant updates to this wonderful blog; now I can live vicariously through you two.

  2. This had us laughing out loud, for real!!! Omg! So fun! Glad you are making new friends and having such a great time. Keep the awesome updates coming! Hugs!

  3. Oh wow. Wow. I could have just been lucky enough to visualize the belly dancing, but instead there is a photo. What luck. And :)

  4. Sarah and I commented that we had not noticed you had a belly. Now we know why!
