Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day-O-Fun: A History Lesson

Four years ago a friendship was forged over cheap tacos, beer, and a Tuesday night tradition. Over the past four years the friendship has witnessed the marriage of both couples, graduations, new jobs, grad school, and big moves.  Somehow in the midst of the craziness of life, the four friends have kept up a hugely loved tradition:  Day-O-Fun.

Day-O-Fun started with Alan's suggestion that we all take a road trip down to Santa Barbara to see Ryan Adams in concert.  Thinking he meant Bryan Adams we were all totally down. Wine tasting eating and shopping along the way, none of us ended up minding that the person we were actually seeing was not the long haired musical wonder of the early 90's, but rather a pretty weird guy with a wedgie. Year 1:

Bryan was too cool for wine tasting, and we were too cool to take any more pictures once he got there. 
We decided to keep up the trend of lesser known, small venue concerts the next year, and road tripped to San Francisco to see Donavon Frankenreiter.  More wine tasting, (garlic wine is NOT a good idea), lots of rain and Danielle's favourite Tapas restaurant.  Day-O-Fun Year 2, becomes Weekend-O-Fun:

Donavon concert.  No seats, Lots of hippies.
Year 3 we skipped out on the concerts in favour of Cirque Du Soleil, and modern art.  Back to San Francisco we go.  We had such a good time we decided to focus the rest of our free time on training for Cirque.

This year is Year 4. Best year yet.  Because Day-O-Fun will be a two part Extravaganza! This week we met up in Amsterdam, and in late December we will continue our Fun in Turkey.  I hate to use such a popular and cliche word, but this year Day-o-Fun is epic.

Check back tomorrow for the first in a series of posts about the Netherregions.


  1. I just about died laughing watching that video again. I don't know how I forgot about it! Thanks for the memories, Friends. We sure have good times together!

  2. Also, is Alan wearing the same shirt on Day o' Fun Years 1 and 2? I am going to dig up Year 3 and see if it appears a third time...

  3. Yes he is. He only has 1 "fun" shirt apparently.
