Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spreading the Love...

February 14th is Sevgililer Günü (Lovers' Day) in Turkey. Hallmark's power over the world, and what we spend our money on should never be underestimated.

To celebrate, my students and I spent time, not money, reflecting on love. 

My friend Diana and I started an international video email program between our classes, so on Tuesday we sent her class a little video of things we love: family, chicken, Cartoon Network, you know... the important things in life.   Somehow they forgot to mention their love for their English teacher, which I think ranks fairly high.

Here's to all the people and things that you love. And to appreciating chicken.


  1. Bryan and I loved this. The 'Cartoon Network' kid gave my favorite response.

  2. Me too. He had to ask me how to saw "Cartoon Network" in English before we made the video. Lucky for him it's the same!
