So we worked together with a few fellow ex-pats to bring Christmas back to Who-ville. (Sorry if I'm totally butchering the Grinch story.) I present to you "The 12 Ways of Christmas" in no particular order.
1. Christmas Pageants: The city of Alanya held it's first annual International Christmas Bazaar. All of the schools in the area were invited to come preform Christmas songs. We got to hear all the classics: Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bells, We Will Rock You, and The Lion Sleeps Tonight, sung by Turkish children who may have memorized what the words sound like, but have NO CLUE what they are really singing. So sweet. I saw many an older Eastern European crying. Either the children REALLY butchered the German songs, or they were genuinely touched to hear some traditional Christmas songs here. I'm leaning towards the second one.
2. Christmas Candy: Alan's family tradition made it all the way here! He slaved away on some DElish Peanut-butter balls dipped in chocolate. So good he has been challenged to a Tatlı-off. Or a dessert making competition. What the challenger doesn't know is that his family has been grooming him for the "big dance" since he was old enough to roll a ball out of dough-like substances. He's sure to win.
3. Spending time with Family: OK so they weren't our family members. But they were someone's family. And while we are in Turkey Jan and Adnan are our stand in parents; Sonya, Zeynep our stand in sisters, Kamil and Burak our stand in brothers, and Suzanne, Nicole, and Kenan our stand in cousins. We even got to celebrate with pretend distant relatives: some awesome Dutch people who had us over for international cocktail hour.
4. Christmas music: Alan brought his Uke and Nicole played her guitar so we could have a good-old Christmas sing-along. Rudolf and Frosty were in attendance, along with Silent Night and many other classics.

6. Trimming the Tree: with said ornaments. "The Tree" was a house plant, and the ornaments only stayed long enough to snap the picture, but it was trimmed, and it was beautiful. So there.
7. Christmas Movie #1: ELF. God bless Buddy the Elf and his syrup loving, long burping, hilariousness.
8. Christmas Movie #2: Love Actually. Never fails to make me cry. It even works on Alan. Sap.
9. Dressing Festively: I'm not sure I've owned a Christmas sweater since I was 5, so of course none made the cut when deciding what we could fit into our Turkish lives. So a bright read sweater and a bright green scarf would have to do.

10. More Christmas Music: N'Sync Christmas. NEVER GETS OLD.
11. Our REAL families: We are oh-so-lucky to have skype and facebook to provide the gift of seeing our families faces even when they are thousands of miles away. We miss you guys like crazy. Can't wait for Google or Apple to invent the hug app.
12. Snuggling in PJs and slippers all day. Nothing makes me feel more jolly than warm jammies, and a cozy nap. Especially when I get to share those things with the guy I love.
So to wrap up, MERRY CHRISTMAS! From the birthplace of both Christianity and Santa, and from the bottom of our hearts.
A very touching post - I've been wishing for the "hug" app for such a long time myself, though I am thankful that technology allows for relationships to work long-distance. I've noticed that a lot of the Turkish people I meet don't really understand the difference between Christmas and New Years... have you seen any of that? It explains the Christmas trees. And a lot of the people here can't get their head around me being Jewish and not knowing a pinch about Christmas. But it's been nice having all the students treat me special.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas/Happy New Year!
P.S. In answering your comment on my blog, yes, our holiday plans are still in flux. Send me an email (I lost your address and quit facebook) and we can see if we'll meet up at all. samgoldsmithvibes@gmail.com