Have you ever wondered how ancient civilizations managed to build amazing structures like the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, or the Acropolis without the aid of cranes and jackhammers, and other modern tools? Besides the sheer feat of lifting multiple tons of marble and stone high into the air (on their backs? On the backs of camels? With magic?) the part that always amazes me the most is the beautiful attention to detail.
All I can think while walking through Ephesus is, "Wait a minute. You want a temple, but it isn't enough that I turn tons and tons of stone into a perfectly balanced arch way? You want me to carve the stone into the the face of a woman. With my hammer." I would have walked off that job in a heart beat.
Thanks to Ms. Ostrander's 6th grade history, I can identify this as an Ionic column. |
Laws and orders of execution carved into hundreds of marble slabs. |
And THEN! After all that hammering. Someone. Cut. His. Head. Off! |
Alan pretends he doesn't like cats. He's fooling no one. |
The Library. I hate to say it girls. THIS is the new coolest library I've ever been to. |