Saturday, December 24, 2011

John, but not the Baptist

The first stop on our trip to Selçuk/Ephesus: St. John's Basilica.

So the story is, that after Jesus was crucified, John the Apostle was entrusted with caring for and looking after Mary. So together they moved to Ephesus (because Turkey is pretty much paradise) where they lived out the rest of their years.  During his time in Ephesus John wrote the Gospels and the Apocalypse. 

 According to Wikipedia, God himself also enjoyed a trip to Turkey.

St. John's Basilica was built atop his burial sight in the 6th century.  (For those of you rusty on math skills that's about 1500 years ago.  Pretty amazing architecture for such an old building.)

This Baptismal Font was SOOO exciting to me when I thought that this John was the same John as John the Baptist.  As it turns out, they aren't the same.

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