Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Autumn in Alanya

I don't really get Jack-o-lanterns... Pumpkins are so lovely just the way they are. 

Happy Halloween Friends! I hope you all had a fun and safe, costume and candy filled night.  Halloween isn't a thing here, but we wore orange and Alan's mom sent us some candy corn, so we were a bit festive.

Fall has arrived big time.  Out of no where, the temperature has plummeted, night time is coming at 5:00, and the tourists are gone.  I am usually NOT a fan of Fall, because it means Summer is over and Loathsome Winter is just around the corner. Boo.

But right now I'm enjoying the newness of my winter coats, the snuggley feel of my comforter, and mostly the colours. Oh the colours of Fall...

Crazy tie-dyed peppers

Figs, persimmons, and avocados

Pomegranates are ridiculously cheap here.  That's per kilo. 

Plums and green tangerines!

Happy Autumn everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you in 2 days!! You will be able to add some more fall colors to your photos!
