Saturday, January 7, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

For many reasons blogging about our travels, and adventures is super important.  (So that we have something to look back on when our hair is white and out memories are starting to fade, and also so that our friends and family are both in the know and jealous.)  For other reasons, the blogging doesn't happen as often as we would like (OK it's just one reason: laziness). 

Anyway.  A  lot of wonderful blog worthy things have been happening, so I'm about to inundate you with posts.  Small posts.  Picture filled posts.  Posts with very few words.  I dare you to look at them all. 

Happy reading!


  1. Very exciting....who doesn't love posts... :)

  2. Chris! You win! you're the first, and possibly only, person to read ALL eleven posts. Bonus points for all the commenting! xo
